Cuci The Musical 2 Memang Meletup!! Best!!

Hohohoho…semalam puas hati sangat dapat tonton team afdlin shauki direct depan idola tu dalam lakonan dan usahawan..bukan sahaja sebab sama saiz tau..hehehe.. Yang boleh saya kata, CUCI The Musical 2 memang sangat best!!Sangat2 best!! hoho..tak tau dah macamana nak bagitua betapa bestnya tau..sangat2 best..

CUCI The Musical 2..Here I Come..

Ni tak tahu nak cakap apa..semangat, over atau pun tak sabar2..yang penting malam ni penentu segalanya..bestnya..tak sabar nak tgk lawak2 team Afdlin Shauki ni..tau je lah dari dulu lagi tak pernah miss tengok cerita Afdlin ni. So malam ni akan gi tengok dengan Adly n kawan2 kat Istana Budaya..

Peminat Upin Ipin Terlampau

Hoho..tentu korang rasakan mungkin tak ada peminat upin dan ipin yang terlampau kan? alaaa cerita kartun hasil anak tempatan dengan trademark “Betul..Betul..Betul..” tu..haa..kali ni nak tunjukkan pada dunia yang rupanya ada juga yang terlampau minat sampai sanggup komen spam..hahaha..kelakar betul..

Bedtimes Stories Really Great

Its really great. You need to watch it. Hotel handyman Skeeter Bronson’s life is changed forever when the bedtime stories he tells his niece and nephew start to mysteriously come true. He attempts to take advantage of the phenomenon, incorporating his own aspirations into one outlandish tale after another, but it’s the kids’ unexpected contributions […]

Eagle Eye Movie Rocks!

Eagle eye rocks! 4.5/5 starts i gave! This evening with nik and hilman, we go to Pelangi Leisure Mall to see this great movie like afiq said yesterday to us. Thats why we go today. Yesterday we frust with senario movie, and now we claim our frust by this great movie.. If you don;t have […]

Wall E (2008) Direct Download Link

I just want to share direct link to download Wall E movies (2008). I know it was hard to find this direct link, so that i share it with you. Copy down there url or by just click here[www.thegenius.us_by.GohanZ].avi Just want to share. Thanks. Give credit if you want to share it.

Batman The Dark Knight

Batman, The Dark Knight was the best ever batman movies i saw. Really terrific..with best sounds and graphics.. everything is so nice. The best things of graphics is, the two face of harvey Dent.. so nice.. About the story line, it is clear and terrific than batman before. when you think it will finish, but […]

I’m not single movies

Release Date: 24th July 2008 Language: Malay Running Time: 87 mins Rating: U Genre: Romance / Comedy Starring: Farid Kamil, Awal Ashaari, Lisa Surihani, Intan Ladyana Directed by: Hanung Bramantyo, Pierre Andre “I’m Not Single” tells of a young couple Maya (Lisa Surihani) and Adam (Farid Kamil) who loathe each other because they are forced into an arranged marriage by their […]

Hancock Film Review..tak sabar tunggu 3 julai

Hancock Film Review There are heroes… there are superheroes… and then there’s Hancock (Will Smith). With great power comes great responsibility – everyone knows that – everyone, that is, but Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic, and misunderstood. Hancock’s well-intentioned heroics might get the job done and save countless lives, but

Menggoreng Pisang Dengan Tangan // Frying Banana naked Hand

Menggoreng pisang dengan tangan tanpa sebarang peralatan..hahahhaha… cabar sesiapa boleh wat macam nih… boleh tengok kat youtube bawah atau download di