Batman The Dark Knight

Penulis: wanmus Kategori: Internet | Movies | review | Share Tarikh: 17 August 2008 | 2 komen

dark knight batman

The Dark Knight

Batman, The Dark Knight was the best ever batman movies i saw. Really terrific..with best sounds and graphics.. everything is so nice. The best things of graphics is, the two face of harvey Dent.. so nice..

About the story line, it is clear and terrific than batman before. when you think it will finish, but then another problems will job from Christopher Nolan

  1. postdepang

    batman is the best movie ever directed by Chrictopher Nolan. 2 and half hours of the film full of dramatics and actions which satisfy you. i admit that this movie is the best compared to previous batman version. who’s not yet watching this movie should watch it. Don’t miss it!!!

  2. lin azlina

    layan jugak citer ni…bestla…movie yg dari dulu glemer..dak ekcik pun ingat