hahahaha..my own computer in my shared room

now..i have my own computer in my RO room..shared room with rahimi..someone ask me what is RO?? what is it RO?is it Reverse Osmosis water like as being sold 20 cent at shop..hhahahaha..i just laugh n said no..RO is stand for Research Officer who selected by lecturer to help them doing their research.. huhu..but actually […]


Alhamdulillah..last month was the most bad month of my life…. 1- My webhosting got down for a whole month..until this week my webhosting are coming up back BUT i had transfer it to a new web server… ahahaha..also the cheapest price i will give to my customers…HAHAHAHHAHa… to know more go to http://www.jomhosting.net  2- My […]

CJ7 or DuniaBaruTheMovie

hohohoohoho..this is complex situation when you need to choose either one..huhuhuhu..either to see CJ7 or DBTM???huhuhu.. when money is this big constraint to me, this situation become worst…huhuuhuh help me..to make a decision, will show to me some pictures about this two movies.. Official website for : CJ7 – http://www.cj7movie.com Duniabaruthemovie – http://duniabaruthemovie.com pictures for […]

New download added..check this out

 From download section, to get all this for free, go to download section. This is lists which being updated today.. go and get it for free… 3. Video & Audio Ust Shamsuri Hj Ahmad – Suami baik Isteri baik – to download click here Meet uncle hussein – keja la la lah – to download […]

Lelaki ensem vs lelaki tak ensem

Kalau lelaki handsome pendiam Perempuan akan cakap:: woow, cool giler… kalau lelaki tak handsome pendiam Perempuan akan cakap: eh perasan bagus…   kalau lelaki handsome berbuat jahat Perempuan akan kata: nobody’s perfect kalau lelaki tak handsome berbuat jahat perempuan akan cakap: memang…. muka pun macam pecah rumah!   kalau lelaki handsome menolong perempuan yg diganggu […]

kill kill..die die..kill..die..

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, meets a guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was simply ‘ amazing’, very much of her dream guy, she believed him to be just that! She fell in love with him right  there, but never asked for his number and could […]

Big-Bang-Master-List..give big trafffficss to your blog..

*Start Copy Here* You do not have to be tagged to play along. This game is simple and so are the rules. 1. Copy from *Start Copy Here* through *End Copy Here* 2. Add your site(s) to the list. Just be sure to post at each site you add. 3. Tag or don’t tag, your […]

JOM Belajar PHP..easiest way..

Sudah beberapa kali saya mendapat pertanyaan tentang bagaimana cara yang mudah dan cepat untuk belajar PHP. Kali ini akan saya posting disini, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk lebih ramai orang. Install PHP & MySQL. Jika Anda menggunakan Windows, Anda boleh download FoxServ. Jika Anda menggunakan Linux, silakan install Apache, PHP, MySQL; misalnya dengan merujuk kesini. Pelajari tutorial-tutorial […]

Download section released

Hahahaha..at last..what i want to share will be right there.just come often to get a new files or software.you also can request ad i will try to get it for you. to use it, click on download button on left corner or click here

Advertlets Problems?

Alhamdulillah..advertlets had overcomes problems on their scripts..and that makes my blog can’t being open..sorry for any unconvinience condition.. Hope this problem don’t come again..huhuhu