Hadiri Seminar Atau Cukup Dengan EBook?

hmm..ni satu lagi persoalan yang biasanya ditanya oleh siapa sahaja terutama bila ada ebook dijual dan ada juga seminar dianjurkan dengan topik yang sama. Contohnya si Ali keluarkan ebook Teknik Mudah Ternak & Jual Ayam Daging, kebetulan keesokannya pula si Abu nak anjurkan Seminar Teknik Mudah Ternak & Jual Ayam Daging..Jadi mana satu nak pergi […]

TAMAT!Menangi TOPUP+Software+Ebook secara PERCUMA!!

MAAF! promosi ini sudah berakhir.pemenang akan diumumkan 3/5/08 Cabutan bertuah wanmus.com 1X Hadiah Utama : Topup tambah nilai Maxis RM10 + Software + Ebook 2X Hadiah Kedua : Topup tambah nilai Maxis RM 5 + Software + Ebook 100X Hadiah Ketiga : Software bernilai RMXXX.XX + Ebook 800X Hadiah Saguhati : Software bernilai RMXX.XX + […]

Dapatkan $397 pakej internet marketing FREE!!

Salam sejahtera.Hello. Saya ingin berkongsi sesuatu istimewa buat anda semua. Ini adalah link paling berharga yang saya pernah bagi buat anda.. I just had to share this with you. And I am glad to offer you what I think is the best email value I ever sent you. Tiada sesuatu pun untuk anda bayar malah […]

Checkout and download NEW brochure!!Get Special PRICE!!

CLick this link to download new JOMHosting.NET brochure for FREE and get a special PRICE from us NOW!! or strictly go to http://www.jomhosting.net/download/JOMHostingbrochure.pdf

From Nothing To Something!!

HAHAHHA..just get shocked by this number $158,635.74 ..if you can see below are script on how worth your blog was and that’s number belong to my blog..this blog..huhu.. I shocked because at the beginning to start blogging, my blog are just a few dollar..but just now you can see for about 10 months, the number […]

[Secret] Login Cpanel from proxy or firewalled network

The default Cpanel installation for Cpanel control panel , Webmail and WHM is running on the following port: Cpanel – 2082 WHM – 2086 Webmail – 2095 For some users who is on a LAN which the firewall is blocking the above outgoing port, they may by pass the above ports by installing CpanelProxy script […]

My Business Card

This is my new business card. Click picture above to enlarge.


Alhamdulillah..last month was the most bad month of my life…. 1- My webhosting got down for a whole month..until this week my webhosting are coming up back BUT i had transfer it to a new web server… ahahaha..also the cheapest price i will give to my customers…HAHAHAHHAHa… to know more go to http://www.jomhosting.net  2- My […]

Boss di pagi hari..

Alkisah ada seorang lelaki yang berusia lewat 50an dan bekerja sebagai CEO disebuah syarikat yang besar di KL. Pada suatu hari tu… Boss ni memanggil la dia punya seketeri masuk ke ofisnya… seperti biasa seketerinya pun masuk la… Tolong buatkan saya surat untuk kita punya client… Si Boss ni pun mula la cakap dia punya […]

Download section released

Hahahaha..at last..what i want to share will be right there.just come often to get a new files or software.you also can request ad i will try to get it for you. to use it, click on download button on left corner or click here