Gelanggang Raja Lawak Astro Musim 3 Minggu 4

Wah..semalam berlangsungnya Minggu ke 4, Gelanggang Raja Lawak Astro Musim 3..makin lama makin bertambah baik semua peserta. Tema kali ni ialah Makhluk Asing dan Sains..Hahaha..Kelakar yang amat. Ni video kepada sesiapa yang tak dapat tengok semalam.

Gelanggang Raja Lawak Astro Musim 3 Minggu 3

Panas lagi pentas Raja Lawak kali ni..kali ni bertajuk “tabiat orang Malaysia”..hheehe..Orang kata Amir ni bakal pemenang Raja Lawak Musim ke 3..betul ke? mungkin boleh cuma Amir perlu cari lawak yang baru dan reka jalan cerita yang sempurna..macam sekerat-sekerat je cerita dia..

Hancock Film Review..tak sabar tunggu 3 julai

Hancock Film Review There are heroes… there are superheroes… and then there’s Hancock (Will Smith). With great power comes great responsibility – everyone knows that – everyone, that is, but Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic, and misunderstood. Hancock’s well-intentioned heroics might get the job done and save countless lives, but

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Menggoreng Pisang Dengan Tangan // Frying Banana naked Hand

Menggoreng pisang dengan tangan tanpa sebarang peralatan..hahahhaha… cabar sesiapa boleh wat macam nih… boleh tengok kat youtube bawah atau download di

CJ7 or DuniaBaruTheMovie

hohohoohoho..this is complex situation when you need to choose either one..huhuhuhu..either to see CJ7 or DBTM???huhuhu.. when money is this big constraint to me, this situation become worst…huhuuhuh help make a decision, will show to me some pictures about this two movies.. Official website for : CJ7 – Duniabaruthemovie – pictures for […]

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