Download Camtasia
The revolution of screen recording is here!
“Camtasia Studio 5 is proof once more of how to please your customers. Thank you!” Professor Jacques du Plessis
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
We’re excited that you’re taking advantage of downloading Camtasia Studio 3.1.3 absolutely free. Camtasia is the complete professional solution for recording, editing and sharing high-quality screen videos. It’s easy-to-use, affordable, and is the quickest and most effective way for you to communicate.
Easily record your screen to create compelling training videos, screencasts, and presentations … without ever leaving your desk.
- Capture everything you see on your screen
- Edit and enhance the videos – pinpoint cursor movements with special visual effects, perform sophisticated moves such as highlighting, zooming, and panning, and even record what you draw on the screen
- Share in the industry-standard AVI and streaming media formats
To download, click here
After@while downloading, you need to register before you can use this Camtasia Video. To register, click here
(please use a real email so that serial code will be send smoothly to your email.

04 December 2007
Masa 5:14 pm
erkk.. aku ingatkan ko jual software ni… good luck for ur interview..
10 December 2007
Masa 12:12 pm
ellop bro… camne interview…
12 December 2007
Masa 3:16 pm
huhuhu..tak taulah macamner..macam susah jer…ramai jgak interview arituh..harap2 adalah rezeki kat maner2 tuh..
24 December 2007
Masa 4:14 pm
soory kawan2..aku offline lame skit sbb xder internet..nanti aku bagi benda baru
06 February 2011
Masa 6:49 pm
ada lagi tak camtasia free ni?nmpk macam dah takde ya la dah dekat 4 tahun tu huhu