At least my car being released today.. I hope picture will tell me something..lets look around with this new car from our pride’s national automobile company PROTON. p/s: for pictures, credit to     Proton Saga E-Line Manual – RM31,500 Proton Saga B-Line Manual – RM34,998 Proton Saga B-Line Auto – RM37,998 Proton Saga […]

Download section released last..what i want to share will be right there.just come often to get a new files or also can request ad i will try to get it for you. to use it, click on download button on left corner or click here

Advertlets Problems?

Alhamdulillah..advertlets had overcomes problems on their scripts..and that makes my blog can’t being open..sorry for any unconvinience condition.. Hope this problem don’t come again..huhuhu

Iklan @ portal TV3..MediaPrima..mahal giler..

Kepada sahabat semua..kali nih nak kongsi kepada semua tentang harga untuk promosi di portal MediaPrima BHD.korang tengoklah..kalu mampu belilah…huhuhu..terkejut aku tengok…nih untuk Portal TV3,ntv7,TV9 dan 8TV. pastuh kalau korang rajin tengok iklan kat tv ada iklan yang ada drama online Kerana Karena…Yes… rupa2nya jugak di bawah TV3 patut pun giler2 boleh wat iklan […]

Nak Hosting Movies @ Files FREE??

Place to put your share files (movies or others files) Hari ni nak kongsi ngan korang semua tentang alamat atau website yang sediakan free files sharing.. of course everythings free must have their own limitations. so i attach with link and limit for each website…ENJOY!! – 30Mb, unlimited downloads, 30Mb transfers/hour, have to wat […]