Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 Review
Review for Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 which i’ve install and use it. Its an original copy, not a pirate one. I’ve bought it and activate it today and get a real great result about this antivirus software which ranked number 2 as a best Antivirus Software in 2009
You can check ranking for antivirus software for 2009 at Topten Reviews. I just get angry with avast antivirus which can not detect a few virus. So i tried to use NOD 32 which given by ibrahim. But as you know, avast and NOD 32 are not user friendly enough for someone who don’t want to wait in front of pc while running antivirus scanner.
So i’ve tried search and then found this great tools. I’ve bought it and install. But i don’t bought set-in-a-box, i bought just original license key from my friend. After run this software, it detect virus in my thumdrive and remove it..But, this special tools just not remove the virus, they also recover that files so my thumdrive can being use as a normal thumdrive again.
Doesn’t it great? Its really really great. Because i do not need to wait in front of my pc while running antivirus scanner. Its also protect me from virus, malware, spam, phishing and others. You really need to have this great tools also. Get them now.
But, you need to be carefull because some of detected as virus, maybe not really a virus, so please checked wisely after you run kaspersky internet security from detected virus list. Unchecked or remove from list if there is a file not really a virus.
To those who want buy kaspersky internet security original 1 year license, you can contact me. I sold it at RM45/license for 1 year license.
Or you can download free 30 days kaspersky internet security trial here

03 October 2009
Masa 11:54 pm
Kaspersky is the best Anti-Virus program i have ever used. it is way better than Mc Affe and Norton Antivirus.
15 February 2011
Masa 3:26 pm
yea.. so far kaspersky still the best antivirus.
Kaspersky original key super promo
17 February 2011
Masa 1:13 am
Kaspersky Internet Security adalah antara yang terbaik. Avira ada Internet Security ke?
17 February 2011
Masa 5:42 am
aku guna microsoft security essential..
dlu besa gak pakai kapasky ni..
05 June 2011
Masa 7:31 am
kaspersky memang terbaik setakat ini. tapi segelintir virus tidak dapat dikesan kaspersky dan anda tidak akan tahu yang pc anda dijangkiti virus. pc anda tetap ada peluang dijangkiti virus walaupun anda menggunakan Internet Security.
tak ada antivirus yang 100% berkesan dalam dunia ini.