Firefox 3.5 Fastest, Smartest & Safest Browser?

Penulis: wanmus Kategori: free download | Internet | Mozilla Firefox Browser Tarikh: 14 July 2009 | 11 komen

Wow..mozilla had released their latest browser and claimed it as a fastest, smartest and safest browser ever built yet. Mozilla Firefox 3.5 just launched and now, for 2 days used it, i’s really sure that mozilla firefox is the fastest brower i’ve ever used.

What’s New in Firefox 3.5

Firefox 3.5  is based on the Gecko 1.9.1 rendering platform, which has been under development for the past year. Firefox 3.5 offers many changes over the previous version, supporting new web technologies, improving performance and ease of use. Some of the notable features are:

  • Available in more than 70 languages. (Get your local version!)
  • Support for the HTML5 <video> and <audio> elements including native support for Ogg Theora encoded video and Vorbis encoded audio. (Try it here!)
  • Improved tools for controlling your private data, including a Private Browsing Mode.
  • Better web application performance using the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine.
  • The ability to share your location with websites using Location Aware Browsing. (Try it here!)
  • Support for native JSON, and web worker threads.
  • Improvements to the Gecko layout engine, including speculative parsing for faster content rendering.
  • Support for new web technologies such as: downloadable fonts, CSS media queries, new transformations and properties, JavaScript query selectors, HTML5 local storage and offline application storage, <canvas> text, ICC profiles, and SVG transforms.

  1. zuls

    hrm.. tak install lagi yang baru ni.. nak tunggu sikit masa lagi..

  2. wanmus

    @zuls: nape bro? really lagi laju berbanding firefox yang dulu2.

  3. alone

    yup. memang laju! baguslah firefox banyak improve. camnilah browser kesayangan aku. hehe.

  4. wanmus

    @alone: betul bro. lagi laju daripada google chrome. memang best guna firefox sekarang

  5. zuls

    takut banyak security loop hole, tunggu sikit masa lagi..

  6. wanmus

    @zuls: betul tu tapi team firefox declare yang firefox 3.5 the safest web browser..tapi betul kite kene berhati2 skit..

  7. baloot

    salam wanmus

    aku dah guna firefox 3.5 ni kat ubuntu n vista aku. kat vista laju jek.
    tapi kat ubuntu, slow lak.

    apa masalah eh?

    tapi selepas buat beberapa tweak, mmg berdesup lak. lagi laju drp vista. huhu. mmg sama-sama opensource ni bagus la. naseb baik aku tak buntu menggunakan ubuntu. :p

  8. wanmus

    @baloot: memang berdesup laju. best sangat. yang ubuntu tu tak pasti plak sebab sy bab2 programming ni kurang skit..hehe

  9. azli

    aik! nie post zaman bila punya? sekarang nak masukversi 3.7 da

  10. wanmus

    cuba check kat atas tu: Tarikh: 14 July 2009

  11. jutawansenyap

    pakai google croome lagik best daaa ringan ringan smoooth jer