Cara-cara menambah kelajuan internet connection Streamyx dari 10kbps to 170kbps!
Earl’s latest result:
Josh’s latest result:
The Story In Summary:
1. Earl, not happy with TMNet, wrote a letter to The Malay Mail
2. The Malay Mail published the letter.
3. He got a couple of phone calls.
4. Next thing he knows, the CEO of TMNet is in his house, sitting on his bed
5. Earl shows the CEO his connection speed of 10-12kB/s
6. CEO plugs in his own laptop and gets 160-170kB/s
7. When Earl asked…how can the speed be so different?
8. They said its maybe because of “spyware”, or his “processor”.
9. Earl is still not happy.
10. Earl tests his connection again later in the day.
11. His speed is now 130-155 kB/s. Wow.
12. My speed still sucks.
13. So, when can I expect a visit?
Consumers, getting faster broadband speeds with Streamyx is now easy. Just sign up with your nearest friendly Streamyx reseller. Then, after you’ve set up your connection, all you have to do is write a letter, get it published, get the CEO of TMNet to show up in your house, and your connection will be super fast!
Credit to Josh Lim
07 February 2011
Masa 4:36 pm
x phm pulak aku bhasa english ni..
sapa2 leh terangkn..
msti ada ni..
kan ramai2 pakat komen tu.. haha
07 February 2011
Masa 8:23 pm
ak ah aku pun tak brap paham sesiapa sila komen
08 February 2011
Masa 3:40 am
awat xdak org nk komen ni.. tolong la komen..
09 February 2011
Masa 3:08 am
hehehe…aku paham. korang kalau nak internet strymax laju korang kena daftar kat tempat yang terdekat. lepas tu buat surat dan biar ia diterbitkan. nanti CEO TMNET datang rumah. lepas tu internet pun jadi maha laju.