Maxis @ Celcom Broadband

Penulis: wanmus Kategori: broadband | hidupku | Internet | review Tarikh: 07 October 2007 | 9 komen

Hai everyone lama dah tak menulis sebab transfer server ke server baru

..nowadays celcom and maxis try to compete each others to be the best wireless broadband provider..yesterday afternoon, i went to both maxis and celcom center at Taman Molek ,JB to get the fully spec for each there are..


and after that i don’t know which plans are most reliable for me as a student…arrrghhhh…Celcom plan is okay but their modem too costly..maxis plan cheap but contract 18 months make me think twice…

  1. wanmus

    help me to chooooseeeee…

  2. shutterspeaks

    what about coverage? for broadband, celcom is the way to go. don’t have to buy modem if you already have 3g phone. + they’re cheaper data card available.

    And RM68 but for indoor use only. so much for the ‘mobile’ broadband. maxis is so famous with its hidden cost.

  3. shutterspeaks

    there are*

    typo huhuuuu….

  4. wanmus

    i went to maxis center and also asked to my friend that already use maxis RM68, he said that is no hidden cost until just now he used. yes celcom is cheaper if use data card but i don’t have laptop..huhuhu..

  5. mirul

    bakpe dok pakai maxis broadband je? best aper… at least takyah terikat ngan streamyx bodosss tu …

    dah linkkan mung dahhhh … hehehe..

  6. […] nak guna jugak, kena call support center untuk tambah bandwidth (dan tambah bil bulan tu)..kenapa maxis dan celcom broadband je saya cerita? sebab tu je yang ramai guna dan banyak […]

  7. budak mengong

    celcom better than maxis..

  8. Ronaldmohoni

    Maxis or Celcom. Tapi saya tetap guna DIGI. Setakat nih, Digi Broadband masih ok. Celcom? tak nak, servis teruk.

  9. Ladfe Amir

    pakai streamyx kat rumah lg bagus. kalu kat luar..umobile masih lg unlimided walaupun cuma byr rm68