Setting Up TMNet Streamyx Sharing PC to PC

Penulis: wanmus Kategori: Free | hosting | Internet | review | Setup | Share | Streamyx Tarikh: 03 May 2008 | Comments Off on Setting Up TMNet Streamyx Sharing PC to PC

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua. Oleh kerana saya dah pening cari jawapan cara-2 nak wat setting untuk sharing streamyx tanpa router dan hanya ada hub atau switch, jadi saya mencarilah di google.namu dah puas giler cari akhirnya jumpa jwapan..dan nih nak kongsi. Maaf tulisan dalam BI sebab susah nak translate..JOM kite belajar…


This tutorial will covers on how to setup your TMNet Streamyx connection on your Microsoft Windows XP system. Please note that however this tutorial only covers “Home Package” type. It does not cover the “Enterprise Package” and “Corporate Package“, because the procedure is quite different for these types.

We will be using the Microsoft Windows XP ppp facilities to create a Point-to-Point Tunnelling over Ethernet (PPPoe) tunnel to TMNet Streamyx server.

There are many ways to dial and share the Internet connection, but here I will just show one of them. The network design will be like this:

Internet –> ADSL Modem –> Server –> Switch/Hub –> Client

Note that I assume the server has two Network Interface Card [NIC], one connected to the ADSL modem and another one connected to the switch/modem.

The first NIC will be rename as broadband.

The second NIC will be rename as LAN.

**Maknanya anda kena ada satu computer sebagai router yang mempunyai 2 network card.

Step 1 : Network Setup

a) Go to Start —> Settings —> Network Connections

b) Choose “Set up a home or small network connection”

c) A network setup wizard will be pop up.

d) Click the next button..

e) Choose the first option. Click the next button.

f) Choose the NIC that connected to the ADSL modem. Click the next button.

g) Enter a computer description or you can leave it as a blank. You can insert the computer name exactly the same with curent computer name. Click the next button.

h) Enter the “workgroup” for workgroup name. Click the next button.

i) This screen will show you a brief information about the new setting that will be apply. Click the next button.

j) This screen will show you the alternative ways to set client network configuration. Click the next button..

k) You have come to the last screen.

Step 2 : Checking the broadband properties

a) By default, the step 1 will set the broadband status with shared and firewalled. Both of these MUST be disabled.

b) Click broadband’s properties.

c) Click OK when finish. New status will be display like this.

Step 3 : Streamyx Dialler

a) In step 3, we will create a dialer to dial to the streamyx server.

b) Go to Start —> Settings —> Network Connections

c) Choose “Create New Connection”. A New Connection Wizard will be pop out.

d) Choose “Connect to the Internet”. Click the next button.

e) Choose “Set up my connection manually”. Click the next button.

f) Since we using broadband internet connection, choose the second option. Then, click the next button.

g) In ISP Name form, enter streamyx.

h) Enter the your User name, Password and click all options.

Note that if you want to use other firewall software, don’t click the firewall option.

i) This is the last screen.

Step 4 : Streamyx Dialler Properties

a) Now we will configure the Streamyx dialer properties.

b) Click properties on Streamyx dialer.

c) You can set redial attempt, time between redial attempts, idle time before hanging up and click the redial if line is dropped.

d) In advanced tab, choose which networks that will share the Internet connection.

Step 5 : Streamyx DNS Server

a) Click the broadband properties.

b) In Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties, enter Streamyx DNS server IP address, either, 202.188.1,

Step 6 : LAN Properties

a) Click LAN properties.

b) In Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), the value is depend on the administrator. Here is my example

ex: IP address ; and subnet mask:

Step 7 : Dialling

a) Now the dialer is ready and you can start to connect.

b) If success, check the dialer’s status. [connected, shared and firewalled]

Step 8 : Test Your Connection

a) It is important to check the network connection, either success or not.

b) Go to Start —> Run —> cmd

c) You can issues these command to check your network configuration.

d) To check your network connection either alive or not, issues these commands. [assume ADSL modem IP address is]

– ping [to check modem is alive]

-ping [to check client is alive]

-ping jcy155 [to check name resolution server is active]

-ping [to check Internet connection is alive]

Now, the server is up.

Note that, the network administrator must set the client Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) configuration in this way:

a) Obtain an IP address automatically.

b) Obtain the DNS server address automatically.

The important part the administrators alway forget is to set the Internet Temporary Cache Files. Here, you can set by go to Start —> Setting —> Control Panel —> Internet Options. Then, you can set whatever size of cache depending of your consideration.

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