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  1. robbie

    Kebodohan tahap gaban. Kalau nak dijadikan isu semua pun boleh diteliti dan di letakkan unsur lain. Kopiah putih sama dengan pope? Penulis ingat semua orang bodoh macam dia.

  2. towanikkusu

    Thank you very much for the comment, Robbie. Inilah… INILAH yang dipanggil hasutan.

    Tak sensitif ke penulis terhadap org2 lain yang baca entri ini ?

  3. su

    Tak perlulah kita membodohkan sesiapa. Yang nyata semakin banyak cubaan pihak tertentu untuk melemahkan/menyesatkan umat agama Islam yang suci ini. Jika tidak secara terang/nyata, dibuat secara tersirat. Kalau kita bukan seorang yang peka, jangan biarkan orang lain menjadi seperti kita. Wallahu’alam…

  4. shah

    Kalau sekali lalu tengok iklan tu mmg jelas imej beca n teratai tu serupa simbol santa claus n buddha. yang lain2 tu tak jelas kecuali kita pause kat situ. yg jelas iklan tu ada unsur plurarism agama. ia satu cubaan menyamakan semua agama melalui perayaan, deeparaya, kongsiraya, merryraya. unsur2 yg dekat di mata n hati kita digunakan oleh pendokong plurarism agama. hati2 dgn anak2 yg minta gula2 kat santa dan dewa buddha di pasaraya sewaktu perayaan mereka. ianya pemesongan akidah yg condong kepada plurarism.

  5. Fadlin


    Saya x berpihakan sapa2, and i can see the dumbness from both sides. I agree that someone says that it should be removed as we all know, we malaysian mostly not that smart and overly sensitive, so these confusing ads should just not be made at the 1st place, not many people understands it..majority dont! too bad, what to do..

    you guys talk as if this malaysia is only made of single origins. what about mixed culture people like me? my dad is chindian (chinese mom, indian dad) and my mom is thai malay…my dad’s side are all mostly catholics, but of course he converted to islam when marrying my mom. We celebrate every festival, Hari Raya bcos we r muslims, xmas bcos of my dad’s side, deepavali bcos of hindu side, chinese new year, for the chinese side..and we take the festivals seriously, till the extend that we actually have xmas tress set up when xmas and house will be like a lighting showroom when raya!
    We gather for reunion dinner when CNY, i helped out to build ‘phandel’ for thaipussam every year for the indian friends n family..and i visit my grandparents grave yearly during all souls day and all saints day.
    but of course i only pray to islam, and during the other festivities, i just follow for the ‘adat’ and not perform any special praying activities for it, only during my Raya i go and pray jemaah at the mosque and really doing it.
    It doesnt cloud my siblings and my mind based on how we are brought up. We are fine, moderate muslims.
    I find that if the REAL intention of this Ad is to potray that Islam is moderate and it welcomes and respect other religions, i am DAUN with it! if otherwise, then it shouldnt be made…confusing the majority la brudder..if nak buat nak tersirat sangat tu, buat la normal viral vid post kat youtube ke, ape ke so x semua yg bodoh dapat tengok and be confused. Ada ke badan atau pihak yg ditubuhkan untuk explain maksud ‘positif’ kpd yg majority bangangs ni? dua dua pendapat pun x boleh pakai..kita semua kena ataih pagar and see the positivity on everything…

    so back to my perayaan story…so it means i am not a true muslims lah that i celebrate everything?? amd receive presents during xmas?? wrong?? i receive ang pow during CNY wrong?? cannnot mix it up is it?? Lagu-lagu semua korang bukan naik arak lagi menari kat club bila lagu di REMIX kan..tapi bila ada unsur agama diremixkan (islam dipetingkan) untuk positivity tak boleh!!! sensitive!!! tapi org org ni lah yg dok lepak di Centro club tiap2 mlm.

  6. Ijoy


    bagus penulis terangkan dgn terperinci, adakah kebetulan atau sememangnya di rancang? jika kebetulan, tidakkah menjadi fitnah? serius saya tak ske pakcik haji bersongkok putih tu di sama kan dengan POPE christian, tak masuk akal langsung..

    ape2 pon, yg baek kite ambil yg buruk kita sisihkan

  7. The Anonymous

    the way they relate 6 dews (water droplet) as a 6-edged star is so absurd and entertaining, i can draw the same star on a person face using specific coordinates – 1 point at the forehead, eyes as 2 points, 2 points at the cheeks, 1 point at the chin. GG. Tarik balik semua manusia then?

    the choices of how these pictures can have their ambiguity interpreted is so limited, that’s just your self centered and overly sensitive point of view.

  8. The Anonymous

    your way: buku – bible
    my way : buku – story book

    your way: Pondok Buruk Beratap Rumbia – Kemiskinan
    my way : Pondok Buruk Beratap Rumbia – traditional houses

    your way: Malam Yang Gelap – Islam yang mundur
    my way : Malam Yang Gelap – A peaceful area during the night

    your way:Sangkar Burung – Simbol manusia yang terkurung dan terkongkong dengan ajaran ISLAM7
    my way : Sangkar Burung – A place the bird thing is good for making a nest.

    your way: Tingkap Terbuka – Jalan keluar dari kemiskinan dan kemunduran
    my way : Tingkap Terbuka – need ventilation

    your way: Mukasurat Bergambar – bible
    my way : Mukasurat Bergambar – story book with pictures

    your way: Mukasurat Jawi terbalik – Al-Quran yang dihinakan
    my way : a page looked from behind due to penetrating lights.

    your way: Beca Merah – Samaran untuk kenderaan Santa Claus
    my way : Beca Merah – Red colour beca

    just an example. see? there are many many other ways how u can interpret this pictures. So don’t restrict your choices to those very sensitive ones only.

  9. Me.

    I like the way you see it. I agree with you – it depends on the perspective. We see what we want to see…

  10. towanikkusu

    @TheAnonymous : Thanks SO MUCH for the comment, it was well needed.

    I mean seriously, like I posted in reply, a white skullcap (kopiah) does not give papal notions as much as bleeding in church and coming in with one’s nothingness (ahem ahem !) denotes blasphemy. Meaning, they just don’t. I’ve seen far too many images where people wear white kopiahs ; come OFF IT. What is the writer trying to do ? Rouse the ignoramus ?

    Sad to say, but even Karyaneka and some of the works that I’ve read in similar magazines (which are meant to be informational content) play along the same lines of raising sensitive issues.

  11. The Anonymous

    Those people who tries to restrict others’ perspective, to very sensitive ones, are those who are trying to fry up a religious and racial suggestive dispute.

    I hate them, because I respect the idea – 1Malaysia.

  12. Salam.
    Kalau nak lakar, buat dengan jelas, sesuai dengan budaya agama islam- beraya dengan pakaian sut melayu, jubah ke, de rendang dodol ketupat yg biase jer. ape kena nak lukis pondok, burung dlm sangkar, tulisan Quran terbalik(cermin reflek), beca, teratai dll. . . Semua ni tak perlu langsung, takde mengena dengan perayaan Islam pun. Betul bengap yang melakar dan yang menyiarkan di tv. Sesuatu nak dipertonton umah berjuta biarlah de etika dan nilai keimanan. Yg melakar memang tuli buta kayu. Berurusan sipandir bengap dan haprak tu memang menyesatkan. Bab agama berikan pada yang arif jangan bagi kat sidungu, bahaya. Sipandir dungu ni main sapu je bukan kenal halal haram, semua semacam je sapu bersih. Ni depa ni salah asuhan.

  13. sahara

    pada pendapat saya, sesuatu itu kalau kita cari yang negatif, kita akan jumpa yang negatif. kalau kita lihat yang positif, kita akan jumpa yang positif. saya x menyokong iklan ini, mungkin pihak tertentu boleh memperbaiki lagi idea ini supaya tidak menimbulkan sesuatu yang menyinggung sensitiviti masyarakat, tetapi dalam masa yang sama, masyarakat lain pula janganlah cepat sangat nk melatah. maybe you are just reading / watching too much into it.

    just an opinion.

  14. sahara

    i think, the actual message is they wanna tell us about the multiple cultures that we have in this country. anyone can celebrate aidilfitri, as much as we(muslims) can celebrate deepavali, chinese new year, christmas and all. it’s just celebrations. we SHARE celebrations. that doesn’t mean we pray to their God or whatever.. it’s just cultures guys..

  15. The Anonymous

    @MUSI: yes, u may sound right, but that doesn’t mean all those bits and pieces of the ad are promoting other religions. Book = bible? white hair + white hat = pope?, humour me there. They can just say, “the ad is not fully themed abt Hari Raya”. But they should never phrase it the other way, “This raya ad is promoting other religions and partially insulting islam.” Remember,(not promoting), and (not promoting + promoting something else + insult) is two different things. One is just lacking in content, the other one can cause racial dispute. Get ur facts right before talking like the above topic was absolutely right.

  16. are-qim

    apakah ini secara kebetulan
    atau sengaja ingin memperlekehkan agama islam…..

    itu satu pertanyaan yang selalu bermain di kotak fikiranku

    aper yang terang-terang merosakkaan agama islam adalah…QURAN…QURAN adalah kalam ALLAH dan ianya satu MUKJIZAT yang paling AGUNG…jagalah ia dengan sebik-baiknya


    Get a life people. Dah kena tarik iklan sudahlah tu. Depa dah tau what ticks Malaysian muslim.

    Baik pi baca quran ka, sembahyang tahjud ka. Analysis macam ni tadak guna. Orang semua satu malaysia dah tau iklan ni tak elok.

    Buat pa waste time tulih analysis scene by scene lebih lebih.

    Yang penting niat kita tu.

  18. The Anonymous

    Yes, agree with you, i respect the concept 1Malaysia, harmony and understanding between one another is priceless. But analysis like this which is so racial suggestive, no way, it defeats the idea of 1Malaysia.

  19. Salam.
    Sapa yang melakukan sesuatu yang tak kena kita kena tegur. agar lain masa berwaspada. masalah nya sengaja nak buat sebab. Nak promot hari raya patuhi lah konsep dan tatacara yang baik, prinsip ukuwah dijaga. Jika semua ok tiada sapa nak tegur. Ditegur sebab de cacatnye.
    Wallahu a’lam.

  20. you again ??? don’t you get it ?? this is muslim and our religion’s issue ! it has nothing to do with you , the non-muslim ! Besides , this is our eid not yours …..

  21. Assalamualaikum,

    Bersangka baiklah. Why don’t you interpret the iklan, as just an iklan?

    FYI, the original blogger who made this dumb analysis is using a bamboo wallpaper for his blog. That doesn’t mean he comes from china or japan or ashinto practioner. A lot of assumptions can be made it also depends on the level of thinking of that person!

    When this kind of analysis is interpreted by dumb malays ( i am a malay and muslim ), its just playing on old malay muslim sentiments. Islam mengajar kita untuk menghormati sesama manusia dan bersangka baik. Why can’t the writer do the same?

    the worst part is blogger samakan songkok putih dengan pope. habis atuk2 kat kampung pi masjid tu nak dibunuhnye la kot?

  22. Abdul Jalil

    Kalau saya jadi Menteri Penyiaran, saya akan rasa malu yang teramat sangat dan minta siapa yang bertanggungjawab dikenakan hukuman yang setimpal.

  23. Unknown

    So what? You have just shown how close-minded you are, and just not accepting the fact. You said he don’t get it, you just don’t get what he means in the first place.

  24. radd

    mgkn tafsiran terlalu pesimis atau mungkin jgk unsur2 dimasukkan secara terancang dan teliti. kebetulan ke betul2?
    tapi sangat xmungkin otak manusia xdpt fikir ke tak-sesuaian beca ngan teratai tu nk diselitkan dalam sambutan yang dikaitkan dengan AGAMA islam. mana mata2 org yg screen sblm dipamer kpd public? xperasan ke? atau mmg sengaja nk dipamer sbb ade agenda tertentu?

  25. Toyol

    WanMus… memang sah nko takde keje lain nak buat. Orang duduk opis buat keje yang diamanahkan, nko perabis bulan posa study iklan cari tengok pelakon mana rambut putih serupa Pope.

    Macam mana melayu nak maju?>\

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