Limited FREE Pass to YOUTH’09

Penulis: wanmus Kategori: Berita | Free | Youthsays Tarikh: 16 December 2008 | 4 komen

Hi everyone..
I’m going to YOUTH’09 and I got you a free pass so you will not
need to line up at the long queue, and you get an exclusive
YOUTH’09 goodie bag! Want some fun with a lot of activities?

Claim the YOUTH’09 pass I gave you:

What is YOUTH’09?

It’s Malaysia’s Largest Youth Lifestyle Festival, based on the
success of YOUTH’08, where 20,000 youths came together,
participated in over 100 different activities,
and sponsors pitched in RM300,000 worth of cash and prizes!
The buzz created over RM1,000,000 of media value, and touched the lives of many.

The excitement makes a comeback…
with YOUTH’09 in January 9th ~ 11th 2009…

3 days
100 activities
50,000 youths.

Youth personalities, friends, online communities, students, celebrities,
Facebook groups, entrepreneurs, hot chicks, cute guys, bloggers, dancers,
singers, photographers, fashionistas, college kids, young adults…
will be there for 3 days of celebration and activities across
every youth interest you can imagine.

Together, we will make this the biggest youth lifestyle celebration
Malaysia has ever seen! 😉

Thanks to teams who organize this big event leaded by Khailee. Now that you know why we totally have to be there!

Claim the free pass I gave you:

Hurry, before they run out!

And see you there!

  1. Raja Kamil

    Alamak, baru nak pegi….bila baca ada hot chick, tiba2 tawar hati. Kang pegi, balik sure kena belasah dengan orang rumah 🙁

  2. wanmus

    tepuk dada tanye selera..hehe..kalau hot chick tak berkenan, jangan gi kat hot chick..banyak lagi event kat situh..cthnya pameran U, xpun Youth Entrepreneur Convention 2009, Foosball Tournament dan macam-macam lagi..pilih yang berfaedah sudahlah..hehe

  3. […] Since the theme to YOUTH’09 is “Malaysia’s Largest Youth Lifestyle Revolution”, you would be able to participate in over 100 activities involving fashion, dance, music, entrepreneurship, personal growth, career and other youth interests. The only price to pay is your transportation cost to the venue! No, the event is FREE! Get your free pass to YOUTH’09 from YouthSays, YOUTH’09’s official online community. As i mentioned before on my post Limited FREE Pass to YOUTH’09 […]

  4. Youthsays Nak Beri RM 10,000 Free..

    […] lepas, team youthsays ni dah berjaya anjurkan Youth’09..jadi kali ni mereka teruskan kegemilangan dengan menganjurkan Youth’10 […]