1. Hello. I was reading someone elses blog and saw you on their blogroll. Would you be interested in exchanging blog roll links? If so, feel free to email me.


  2. I have tried Infusions 30 day trial for $27. Despite having powerful features, I believe its still very expensive for small business owners, specially when there are cheaper alternative. I have used incusion, 1shoppingcart and some other until I setelled with GoldbarOne because of their cheaper price($59 compared to $199 of infusion) for same features and unlitted customer database. I believe in currect economy, small businesses are looking to save every pany and infusion has to be competitive about prices.

  3. Thanks for sharing your perspective and recommendation about our whitepapers and free reports. Was there any particular report you would want us to cover in the future?

    Alan, I’m happy to discuss the purpose of our marketing automation solution and clarify any questions you may have. We position Infusionsoft as the leading marketing automation software for small business, combining the features that small business owners need with the slick easy to use interface that they’re familiar with. 🙂



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