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  1. Man Kuantan





    Kesempitan pemikiran Melayu sekarang amat mengagumkan.

    Anda semua bagaikan ada penyakit allergy… nampak beca merah terbang, terus nak bengkak kepala hotak fikirkan dakyah kristian yang pesongkan minda anda yang lemah.

  2. przz

    stop. sape gado dia bodo! cbe pikir, iklan tu dh xde, dh kne trk blk tapi melayu dok gado2 cm bodo. tergelak je sape yg buat iklan tu tgk hasilnye kt bangse kite.

    org ckp iklan tu xsesuai – tarik balik.
    iklan camtu xpatut berulang – kita tengok camane.
    ape nk gaduh lg?

    (emo sket lps surf net tgk bangse kite haru balah same sndiri disebabkan iklan nih. sori yek)

  3. kenapa semua orang nak hina agama kristian sedangkan bukan orang kristian yang buat iklan ini….orang buddha yang buat iklan raya ini di sri pentas jadi kalau anda tak tahu apa apa tolong jangan hina orang kristian. adakah orang kristian pernah hina umat islam…itu persoalan saya…….dan tolong maafkan kakitangan tv3.dan saya tahu tv3 tetap the best…..DAN TOLONG JANGAN HINA SEKALI PUN ORANG KRISTIAN ….selamat hari raya aidilfitri…….

  4. tu lah pasal. kalau iklan tu betul, kenapa diorang tarik balik. betul x? so dahlah..iklan tu dah ditarik balik. semoga jadi panduan untuk orang lain nak wat iklan pasni

  5. ika

    Wslam..fadlin, kalu anda betol betol pasti faham akan sensitive ini & kalu betol2 blajar agama islam..sila selidik kembali..apa makna ‘hari raya aidilfitri’..
    -Mudahan Allah m’beri p’tunjuk.

  6. ika

    klu setiap benda d’amik remeh..tggu menanti d’jajah je nt.., xperlu tegak benang yg dah sememangnya basah. terima kasih.

  7. ika

    masalah sekarang..mana pergi pengertian ‘hari raya aidilfitri’ sebenar!! kembali kepada fitrah.
    Kalu semua benda d’amik remeh..
    tgu masa Tuhan tu nak tunjuk..?
    Come On, jgn jadi Islam yg Jahil.

  8. Apa yang paling pelik di dalam iklan diatas ialah berkenaan dengan adegan beca terbang yang amat mirip dengan apa yang selalu kita lihat dikala sambutan hari natal. Pada aku itu isu utamanya. Dan menurut Islam ianya semeanya salah sebagaimana maksud hadis rasulullah pernah bersabda.

    ” Sesiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum maka dia adalah daripadanya”

    Sama jugalah dengan perbuatan-perbuatan lain di hari raya. Sekiranya ia mirip ataupun bercanggah dengan islam maka hukumnya tetap salah. Boleh dibaca sedkit perkongsian disini:


    Berkenaan dengan hal-hal lain sebagaimana yang dinyatakan penulis di dalam artikel diatas ianya hanya satu penafsiran daripada pengkaji hal-hal konspirasi freemason dan iluminati. Boleh jadi benar dan boleh jadi tidak.

  9. xul

    Salam Fadlin..
    Good explaination… tp sekadar on paper je la.. klo anda kaji, xmas tu sndiri adalah perayaan agama, bukan kebudayaan..sbb tu muslim diharamkan sebenarnya sambut xmas.. CNY yes, kebudayaan, muslim boleh sambut.. masalah skng adalah ramai yg amik mudah tentang definisi agama, budaya, adat… so kaji dulu sblom post/nak mengata ape2..
    selamat hari raya aidilfitri 🙂

  10. The Anonymous

    XXY, ur understanding abt my statement seemed to be totally impaired, yes, the ad is about raya, it have nothing to do with my practices. But what concerned me is not the ad, is how the author brought about this topic cirticizing the ad, claiming it to be (not promoting islamic sentiments + promoting other religions’ sentiments + partly insulting your religion). But from what I see, this ad is just (not promoting enough islamic sentiments), it has nothing to do with promoting others religions or insulting ur religion. His assumption might mislead others and cause more misunderstanding.


    p/s: you’re the one who dun get it XXY

  11. The Anonymous

    why must the person be judged? Because the advertisement doesn’t have enough Islmaic sentiments. Or because the advertisement doesn’t have enough Islamic sentiments and is promoting other religions? If you think it was the 2nd way, you’re wrong, that’s just the topic starter’s self-centered point of view.

  12. The Anonymous

    and? what are u implying?
    if the topic is saying “Advertisement pulled back due to the lacking in islamic contents” I will agree. But if u phrase it “Advertisement pulled back due to lacking in islamic content + promoting other religion + insulting Islam” no way that make sense. The guy posted this is obviously trying to stir up a racket and causea a dispute.

  13. The Anonymous

    if it’s too hard for u to understand, take this example:

    A story book might not be a content promoting Islam, but it doesnt mean, the story book MUST be a bible, which you claim it is promoting christianity, therefore it is insulting Islam.

  14. The Anonymous

    Watch what you’re saying,from what MAN KUANTAN have said, it doesnt mean MAN KUANTAN is not faithful to his religion. He’s just saying u guys are too narrow minded. The ad might lack Hari Raya related content, but it doesnt mean, it is using Christianity, Budhism and other religion to insult your Religion. Those are the authors wild and self-centered assumptions.

    Why cant u guys get it?

  15. xul

    XXY, tu la org kate, ckp ngan org xpaham buat kite sakit kepala… dieorg nampak dari segi iklan tu je, maksud tersirat dieorg xkan nampak nye, cayela.. Allah da berfirman, cam penulis sertakan… “Tidak akan pernah redha orang2 Yahudi dan Nasrani kerhadap kamu sehingga kamu menuruti telunjuk mereka” (2:120). So kepada sadare muslim, sentiasa la kite ingat-mengingati, rancangan2 musuh Allah utk melemahkan Islam ni selalu je ade, we all juz need to beware.
    aku tau lepas ni ape yg aku post ni kene simbah balik… bese la tu, mmg susah nak ckp ngan org yg xkan paham ni heh…

  16. fadlin bodoh

    fadlin, anda jangan jadi seperti orang jahil. mende salah tetap salah apa pasal pulak mau jadi atas pagar. bahlol. ko kata iklan tu menunjukkan islam tolerate ngan agama laen? bangang!!!cakap byk x guna la ngan lu. fuck odd

  17. fadlin bodoh

    ko ni lagi bangang!xpenah aku jumpe org bangang macam ko!mende2 yg dia kaji tu mmg wujud org bahlol mcm ko je x sedar!bersangka baik pala butoh bapak hang!iklan tu menghina agama!puki!

  18. Kelly

    Betul kata Robbie. Penelitian yang terlalu asyik dengan idea knospirasi.
    Pengarah cuma ingin menyelitkan mesej 1Malaysia. Itu saja penerangan yang simple. Buat apa nak terhegeh-hegeh selitkan ‘isi tersirat’ yang sememangnya hasil imaginasi diri sendiri?

  19. Kelly

    RED B, the things you say make absolute sense. Ignore messages like this fadlin guy.
    (Yeah, the Pope is on this too (rolls eyes)

  20. Kelly

    Absolutely agree Anonymous. One needn’t be Muslim to see that. The so called analysis was hilarious – the only reason I read on. But the brain-washing is ridiculous.

  21. EP

    nak tambah…. mari kita lihat secara logik, kita ini menyambut Aidilfitri, Aidilfitri untuk orang islam dan kesemua orang melayu adalah islam, orang melayu islam ada tatacara untuk sambut Aidilfitri.. kalau tengok iklan tersebut tiada langsung menunjukkan budaya melayu malah sekali lihat pun kita tahu ianya bukan budaya melayu tapi budaya lain.. rasa-rasa kalau la semua pelakon tu pakai baju biasa, agaknya jadi iklan apa?

  22. Digreys

    ia cume eklan…bukan nak kate sapot orang kape…tapi kite sendiri yg bodo…banyak pikir negetif…beca merah…asal berkenaan merah je santa claus….bodo nye orang sapot tu…mbeca merah melambang kan usaha yg berat untuk memaju kan malaysia…dalam bendera malaysia pon ade warne merah kan….jangan la jadi bodo…..bnyak2 kan solat…banyak2 kan doa….supaye diri sendri selamat….jgan pikir nk rosak kan hak orang je….bukan murah nak buat eklan…korang beli mercun tuk anak2 ak..?beli kan…kaloou x beli pon meti anak mintak duet nk beli tampa memberitahu kemahuan nye,…..kan membazer…tapi utk gembire kat anak2 sempene raye…kite sanggup berkorban…same la macam orng yg buat eklan nie….nk raye….korban masa,duet otang macam2 lagi….uuntk gembira kan masyarakat….tapi separuh masyarakat buat taik…jangan buat taik la….allah ta suka tau….dosa besar….kalau ye nk sedar kan orang pon…jangan la generel sgat…macam korang tau ak….semue sardin kat malaysia nie dperbuat daripada katak…aaa…tekejut…..tp knpe dye tanak sebar kan…?semue nie saje nk rosak kan islam…kite sbgai islam kene banyak pikir positif…..jgan jadi kafir…..

  23. This is the problem with certain people in this country. Have lots of time to find other peoples faults when they should be correcting themselves first instead of nosing around others. Kesian kan? Dulu mak bapak suruh pegi sekolah, tak nak! Buat cerita nak menghasut pandai!! Uneducated fool!

  24. budakCooL

    iklan nih? aku x stuju langsung. pandangan masing2 la. setiap perkara pasti ade perdebatan dan ade bersebab. skali tengok pun dh boleh agak. musykil pun ade. kenapa buat mcm ni? mesti korang terfikir punya. takkan nk wat konsep 1M kot. agak2 la. hariraya hanya untuk org ISLAM. jgn di campur aduk dgn budaya dan agama lain. bg aku, iklan ni bkn nk hina KRISTIAN, tp ISLAM tak boleh di campur aduk dgn unsur agama lain. fikirkan lah.

  25. towanikkusu

    ^ And no thanks to people like this author, we are suffering from severe subtle ethnic cleansing.

    Don’t believe ? BELIEVE IT.

  26. towanikkusu

    It’s like I told several people ; I’ll be telling it here : I’m okay with people pointing out what shouldn’t be there. But I am NOT okay with people belittling the faiths of others.

    Get MCCBCHST to step in ! Get MyConsti to step in. No seriously, if they wanna say their rights were violated, I can say OURS were !

  27. towanikkusu

    Itu I faham. Yang mereka tarik balik, at least TV3 is sensitive towards others. Tapi to say that Christianity is of the feeling of “coolness” ? HELLO. That is the biggest insult you can give another religion. Kalau MCCBCHST step in, surely diorg akan marah. Because this is not the way to write.

  28. towanikkusu

    So the conclusion : 1Malaysia is killed just because of the sentiments of a few people who have been provoked. Hmph, where’s the sense in all this ? I think I know just what to write in Uncyclopedia when I have the chance.

  29. towanikkusu

    About TV3 taking back the ad, I’m fine with it. About your accusation of “Christianity being about coolness” is just one of the many insults you’ve thrown to us. You’re quite fortunate, indeed, that we are actually bearing it, giving, giving, giving, the MORE we get insulted like this. No, seriously. Whilst I’m okay with you pointing out things which shouldn’t be there, I am NOT okay with you stating it in a way which belittles other faiths.

    So what happens to our whole anti-racialism campaign, huh ? From what I see in these comments, as well as in this article, it’s just a farce ! Just a PLAIN, SIMPLE, BLOODY FARCE !

    Thank you lah for ruining this whole thing. I’m not going to hesitate to say it out loud, but I am speaking for Malaysians who want 1Malaysia to exist.

  30. The Anonymous

    @BUDAKCOOL: Listen closely, the analisis was just overly sensitive.

    Books = Bible? So means all library in Malaysia are promoting christianity, therefore neglecting Islam?

    Orang rambut putih + topi putih = pope. So all the old people at the seaside with a white hat, are christian leaders?

    Beca merah = Santa’s sleigh? So all melacca is the place where Santa sleighs around?

    6 water droplets = 6 edged stars? So all our faces, 1 point at fore head, eyes as 2 points, 2 points at the cheek, and 1 point at the chin (all together 6 points) = 6 edge stars too, so all human with such faces who go into the mosque are promoting christianity, therefore are not respecting islam? LOL, humour me please.

    If that’s the case, i think Malaysia will be chaotic because of all these disputes. Think rationally before making a nonsensical accusation please.

  31. Yang Memerhati

    Agenda tertentu sudah pasti…tapi sapa ya???
    1Malaysia ke or 1Agama ke..kalau kebetulan
    sebab ape kena tebalikan tulisan jawi,
    daripada Al-Quran atau tidak kita x tau…tapi yg nayata
    itu satu penghinaan…sama seperti jikalau salib diterbalikan.
    Ini bukan soal agama mana, ini hasil kerja orang yang x perpagang kepada mana2 agama…ni hasil kerja askar2 Dajjal.

  32. maya

    for the first time sy tgk iklan..ini pun saya dpt lihat… something wrong…somewhere…so nahhh… terbukti..memang ada keburukan..jugak iklan nih… yg buatnyer pun non muslim… dia main taram jeh lah ikut agama n budaya dia… tp Ad mubarak..merupakan “agama”… belajo..le dulu korang dlm2..ilmu agama..nih..jgn main sokong jeh.. bahaya..jiwa dan bangsa..huhuuu

  33. Yang Memerhati

    You sound so confident…i doubt you’re a muslim.
    Before you LOL much louder…just look around you & don’t be so ignorant.

  34. The Anonymous

    So if u agree to the analysis, u mean u do agree that all books = bible? So books in the libraries are all bible? means all libraries in Malaysia are promoting Christianity?

    If you agree, I was gona LOL at the sense of humour u posses.

    Just look around you, find these daily examples (Library full with books, Melacca with lots of red beca, white haired guys with white hat), dont be so ignorant. I humbly return those words of urs back to u, u appeared to be needing it more than I do, plz don’t be a hypocrite.

  35. The Anonymous

    and what you’re implying? do u mean that if I am a muslim, i must view all books = bible? Bullshit.

  36. The Anonymous

    The keburukan, is it doesn’t have sufficient islamic content. NOT because it was promoting christianity, get it? I DO AGREE to a certain extent that the ad was inappropriate as a Raya ad due to lacking in islamic content. But i WON’T AGREE AT ALL that the ad is trying to promote Christianity.

  37. Unknown

    Stop being so such an idiot, fool. If you were to say that this ad “something wrong”, then you are worse than a pile of garbage. You should take Towanikkusu’s mindset as a good example.

  38. towanikkusu

    If you’ve seen my reply to Wanmus above, I’m okay with people pointing out what shouldn’t be in the ad. But I AM NOT okay with what insults people do towards other faiths. And let me get this straight right now ; this author was playing up the sentiments of disrespect when he did that.

    Now this is not a question about who’s gonna laugh last. No one should. Not in MY. Not in a multiracial, multireligious society.

  39. towanikkusu

    To be honest, Anon, when the author wrote that, my heart really ached.

    Let me put it on record that I am a Catholic Christian, and I have family members who are Muslims and Sikhs. The whole point of my existence is to treat others in love, even if it hurts. And I’m not the kind who believes that faith should be “cool”. In fact, the people who turn away from church, as I have seen, believe that we’re uncool. It’s a question about orthodoxy and orthopraxy. If both of these aren’t there, then faith in practice would lose its meaning, right ?

    So when he wrote that… I didn’t know what to feel. I know some articles being written like that elsewhere. I’m just thankful Mingguan MStar didn’t follow in their footsteps.

    To put it straight, almost nothing promotes Christianity as far as the media is concerned. Everything seems to be going apart as though this is a “post-Christian” era. That having been said, I doubt the ad would even wanna promote us. But that’s not the point. The point is whatever the situation, these sentiments shouldn’t even be raised… :'(

  40. The Anonymous

    yea,and that hypocrite “Yang Memerhati”, who was such narrow minded, said that I’m being ignorant? I’m not looking around my surroundings?

    It’s because I wasn’t ignorant, it’s because I looked at what’s happening around me, thats why I am telling him, not ALL BOOKS = bible. He call this ignorant?

  41. The Anonymous

    yes, nicely said.
    They can simply deny the ad, but not denying it and further accusing some other party (in this context = other religions).

  42. towanikkusu

    Psh, I really hate speaking against other people, but if he reads this, let him know who this is coming from. He really needs to GAL.
    And by getting a life I really mean ceasing to think in this manner.
    Yes, the world is filled with its dangers, but these dangers weren’t even intended by the advertising team in the first place.

  43. towanikkusu

    Do this in the 60’s and 70’s and Malaysians not only marvel at the ads ; they give it a standing ovation.

    Do it today and what do you get ? People rejecting it over things which seem rather trivial. But no, that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

    The iceberg comes with responses like this post. My heart really aches saying this, but I’ve just gotta.

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